Monday, April 18, 2005

<-- Irony of it -->

Hooray,... hooray.
I finally found something to do with my time alone in the dead hours of morning. I've been reading a lot lately. I think it has something to do with me wanting to just leave my opinion all over the place. Like it even matters. Good for rants though.

I have the 40oz to Freedom album, but it was a ripped copy from the internET. The third track, Smoke Two Joints, was replaced with an imposter. Improperly named, the exact same song as the second track was there in its stead. I'm not angry about it. What would be the point of that. But it still really sucks, man. I've been without that song for ages now.
What the hell is a stead, anyway?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good 'ol ET. I can send you that song if you want.

4:33 p.m.  

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