Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Fair Concessions regarding CUPE LU416 Strike

Okay you guys. Enough already. The city smells! Why are you doing this to your home???

YOU SHOULD ALL KEEP IN MIND THAT THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF UNEMPLOYED PEOPLE WHO WOULD GLADLY TAKE YOUR PAY FOR YOUR JOB. THEY WOULD ALSO FORFEIT ANY SICK DAYS that are AVAILABLE OR BANKED, FOR YOUR JOB. THEY MIGHT EVEN WORK FOR THE CITY AND NOT EXPECT SICK DAYS. I would bet they would even settle for your job for less money than you are currently making, some of them might even take the job for a whopping $4-5/hr drop from you're making.

Inside and Outside Workers of Local 416 You should consider the fact that you are VERY VERY replaceable.
Whoever gets this email, I hope you make my feelings and MOST TORONTONIANS known to your members. You should ALL stop for a minute and think about how badly the city hurts for money. While your members might also be hurting for money, they should actually be thankful that they even have a job.

The city aught to be canvassing people drawing from EI and other unemployed individuals for your jobs if you keep this up. IT IS DESPICABLE AND I HAVE NO RESPECT FOR YOUR UNION IN THIS MATTER.

I am not a union hater. It's just yours.

- Mike Sutherland

(Yes I did email it to



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