Direct Energy, you SUCK!
I was recently contacted for the THIRD time by these fuckers asking me if I wanted to work for them "in a position that might be suited for me"... Well, I wrote them back this time because I tried out the whole Direct Energy experience. I was trained, got the top marks, people liked me, and even the 'customers' enjoyed my presence. But anyway... here's my response.
Dear Mariana,
I need to get in touch with someone regarding my experience with Direct Energy. I witnessed the worst display of business practices I have ever seen in a workplace! I understand how the system works. You're getting paid to recruit PEOPLE just like you would a CONTRACT-signing. And the trainers get paid the same way! Everyone cycles through and in the end it's only assholes that remain. And it's the assholes that make the money. You're all nice-y nice while you're recuiting, but everyone's linked to everything and hopefully for you, and for the trainer and for the regional manager and even for the team manager, the new recruit comes out ahead and bullies his way in the door of the next big business and lands that shady deal you guys call a contract.
I'm outraged at the way Direct Energy goes about their business: with greed, rudeness, disrespect, and ignorance. You may say to me, "well, you just didn't have a good experience..." But the truth is I did have a good experience. I enjoyed going out there trying to help people make informed decisions about their gas prices. BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT YOU TRAINED US FOR (so my team manager says). You train us to barge into the controllers office and demand to see the gas bill for a "quick check" to "make sure they've been registered for price protection".
Well lemme tell ya something, that may have worked out just great 5 years ago, and it may still work for the new accounts payable manager, but usually most business leaders have heard about you. And yes, the method may work for landing a quick deal every now and again, but for every 1 deal you land, you run into 3 other pissed of business people (pissed off at Direct Energy for their rudeness, disrespect, ignorance, and often, deceipt!), 1 other person that you inadvertantly piss off, 2 people who have "had a bad experience with Direct Energy" and won't talk to you, and 4 or 5 other people who are already connected!
I know my numbers are off.
The point is that Direct Energy's method of 'getting deals' has gone the way of the DOOR TO DOOR SALESMEN. You're still sitting there, telling me that "it works," but I've already explained about what happens every time it works. It's not worth it. And if you don't agree with me, then you're an idiot! Because it shouldn't be worth it: Pissing off that many people in one day should NEVER be part of a business's every day routine!!
I could easily blame the regional manager for not possessing the organizational skills and then continually sending out DE Reps to the same business parks week after week after week.... Or I could blame my asshole team manager for sending to me an area that should be well known as saturated (he says that they don't have the technology to keep track of all the businesses that have already signed up (so that we don't hit them twice (because that's annoying) and get them wondering about what kind of scam they've got themselves into)). But that's besides the point! You're right, it doesn't matter if the area's been saturated. And yes, there are still 1 out of every 7 places that still haven't signed on with a retailer. The point is that, as a company, you need to change! You need to go after contracts in a more organized fashion! I realize it's easier and cheaper to go door to door. But that's LAZY. And that's CHEAP. What kind of image does that show customers??
You need to get organized. I will not believe anyone who tells me that Direct Energy doesn't keep track of regional lists of businesses that have been signed on to contracts. That would be RETARDED for them not to bother to keep track in an organized fashion. Maybe no one in the company is capable, or maybe they don't care... This is a LATE "heads up" from your pal Mikey, over here, because Direct Energy needs to change or else people are just going to keep hating them and hating them and not renewing and then the company will be gone like the rest of them.
What does it matter though, right? It's all non-renewable resources! It's all going to be gone in due time and at that point what difference does it make if all your customers consider you to be an annoying company and leave.
I know there are dozens of big corporations that you should be targetting, 'corporately'. It'd be a little more work to go about it in an organized manner but it would pay off if you could only convince them they're making the right, informed decision.... AND STOP SENDING OUT PEDDLERS! OR AT LEAST MAKE 'YOUR AGENTS' AWARE OF COMPANIES THAT ARE ALREADY SIGNED UP SO THEY DON'T WASTE ALL OF THEIR TIME AND FEEL LIKE A MORON!
I thought I could make it in your business, but the way it is done is archaic! I mean that by both meanings! The one thing I learned from my trainers and managers is that the only way to get deals is to be a hot girl or a really pushy asshole. I'm neither of those things. Please forward this to your manager until it reaches someone who can make some changes!
Yours fornever,
- Mike Sutherland (Agent# 857 829)
Dear Mariana,
I need to get in touch with someone regarding my experience with Direct Energy. I witnessed the worst display of business practices I have ever seen in a workplace! I understand how the system works. You're getting paid to recruit PEOPLE just like you would a CONTRACT-signing. And the trainers get paid the same way! Everyone cycles through and in the end it's only assholes that remain. And it's the assholes that make the money. You're all nice-y nice while you're recuiting, but everyone's linked to everything and hopefully for you, and for the trainer and for the regional manager and even for the team manager, the new recruit comes out ahead and bullies his way in the door of the next big business and lands that shady deal you guys call a contract.
I'm outraged at the way Direct Energy goes about their business: with greed, rudeness, disrespect, and ignorance. You may say to me, "well, you just didn't have a good experience..." But the truth is I did have a good experience. I enjoyed going out there trying to help people make informed decisions about their gas prices. BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT YOU TRAINED US FOR (so my team manager says). You train us to barge into the controllers office and demand to see the gas bill for a "quick check" to "make sure they've been registered for price protection".
Well lemme tell ya something, that may have worked out just great 5 years ago, and it may still work for the new accounts payable manager, but usually most business leaders have heard about you. And yes, the method may work for landing a quick deal every now and again, but for every 1 deal you land, you run into 3 other pissed of business people (pissed off at Direct Energy for their rudeness, disrespect, ignorance, and often, deceipt!), 1 other person that you inadvertantly piss off, 2 people who have "had a bad experience with Direct Energy" and won't talk to you, and 4 or 5 other people who are already connected!
I know my numbers are off.
The point is that Direct Energy's method of 'getting deals' has gone the way of the DOOR TO DOOR SALESMEN. You're still sitting there, telling me that "it works," but I've already explained about what happens every time it works. It's not worth it. And if you don't agree with me, then you're an idiot! Because it shouldn't be worth it: Pissing off that many people in one day should NEVER be part of a business's every day routine!!
I could easily blame the regional manager for not possessing the organizational skills and then continually sending out DE Reps to the same business parks week after week after week.... Or I could blame my asshole team manager for sending to me an area that should be well known as saturated (he says that they don't have the technology to keep track of all the businesses that have already signed up (so that we don't hit them twice (because that's annoying) and get them wondering about what kind of scam they've got themselves into)). But that's besides the point! You're right, it doesn't matter if the area's been saturated. And yes, there are still 1 out of every 7 places that still haven't signed on with a retailer. The point is that, as a company, you need to change! You need to go after contracts in a more organized fashion! I realize it's easier and cheaper to go door to door. But that's LAZY. And that's CHEAP. What kind of image does that show customers??
You need to get organized. I will not believe anyone who tells me that Direct Energy doesn't keep track of regional lists of businesses that have been signed on to contracts. That would be RETARDED for them not to bother to keep track in an organized fashion. Maybe no one in the company is capable, or maybe they don't care... This is a LATE "heads up" from your pal Mikey, over here, because Direct Energy needs to change or else people are just going to keep hating them and hating them and not renewing and then the company will be gone like the rest of them.
What does it matter though, right? It's all non-renewable resources! It's all going to be gone in due time and at that point what difference does it make if all your customers consider you to be an annoying company and leave.
I know there are dozens of big corporations that you should be targetting, 'corporately'. It'd be a little more work to go about it in an organized manner but it would pay off if you could only convince them they're making the right, informed decision.... AND STOP SENDING OUT PEDDLERS! OR AT LEAST MAKE 'YOUR AGENTS' AWARE OF COMPANIES THAT ARE ALREADY SIGNED UP SO THEY DON'T WASTE ALL OF THEIR TIME AND FEEL LIKE A MORON!
I thought I could make it in your business, but the way it is done is archaic! I mean that by both meanings! The one thing I learned from my trainers and managers is that the only way to get deals is to be a hot girl or a really pushy asshole. I'm neither of those things. Please forward this to your manager until it reaches someone who can make some changes!
Yours fornever,
- Mike Sutherland (Agent# 857 829)
Mikey, this is by far one of the best letters I've yet read. You have to post a response if you get one.
MIKEY! I'm moving to Toronto in like 3 or 4 weeks and I'm so excited to be back with everyone. You must come visit me at my apartment.
Anyways, take care Mikey and I'll talk to you soon.
"yours forever" (Best part of that letter!)
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