Thursday, March 09, 2006

Lost Battles

Bell Mobility fucking sucks. I'm not going to write them an email to tell them why, this time. "Why?" you ask? Because today was a verbal fight. They're a lot more fast paced and less funny. They're also a lot easier to lose. :(
After getting my bill in the mail today, I decided to fight them on an extra 30 bucks worth of airtime usage. I bought into a $5 Unlimited Canadian Long distance "extra", on my MSF. My MSF is quite low already because I'm cancelling the phone ASAP, so I've only got 50 Mins of usage. I argued that someone told me that "because I have that extra, I don't have to worry about usage on the weekends."
I suppose my first mistake was being an asshole to the first Rep that I spoke to. Next time I want something done for me, I've got to be as polite as possible and get to the supervisor as fast as possible. Especially knowing that they are valid charges.
It definately wouldn't have helped to be an asshole to the supervisor, and I wasn't... It's just that he already got wind of how the first CSR felt about my case.

The whole journalistic quandary is if I should post a 'loss' about myself. I guess I'm just doing this so I can learn better from my mistake. Feel free to laugh AT me, this time.

And I'm sorry to you and I'm sorry to me (lost fucking 30 bucks!). No good feeling entry about my little fight with bell. Just utter resentment towards the company for the rest of their numbered days.