Monday, September 12, 2005

Bell, can't you just change my address?

This is why I hate bell. Bell sucks on so many dead squirrels that they've contracted some sort of squirrel VD. All I wanted to do was change my address, and I could've made it out to be worse off than it is, but all it should really take is one form on one website. After that, it should send the information to bell, and they make the neccissary changes in their database.
Instead, "Steve" writes me back:

----Original Message Follows----
From: mobility
To: "Mikey"
Subject: Re: Wireless Billing Address change form
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 2005 12:50:06 -0400 (EDT)

Dear Mr. Mike,

Thank you for using Bell Mobility's Internet Customer Service.
My name is Steve (TSE) and I have read your message carefully. I am
pleased to assist you in this matter.
I regret to inform you that I am unable to assist you at this time since the mobile/account number that you provided in your correspondence is
not a recognized Bell Mobility mobile/account number.

I will be pleased to assist you in this matter if you would kindly contact us again via our Customer Care online at the following URL address:
Please be sure to include the following information: - your name, - complete billing address, - mobile and/or account number
I thank you Mr. MIke for using Bell's Web site and for doing business with us. I hope to have adequately addressed your concerns regarding this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact us again at:
I wish you a pleasant day,
Steve (TSE)
Bell Mobility Online Customer Service

Yeah right, Steve. Ya lazy bastard. (btw, R's have replaced some numbers for the blog)

Original Message Follows:
Why would I go contacting you again if you've already stated that my
information is fucked?

Listen. My cell phone number 416-9R1-3825. Don't try and tell me that that's not my number. I moved a few months ago. I changed my mobile number from 519-31R-8178. And you're still sending my bills to my old address as follows: 217 EdittedOut Lane, London, ont, edit.
I need you to start sending it to me HERE in toronto:
727 EditOut Ave, Toronto, ONT, edit

That's all I'm asking. don't reply back to me and tell me you can't do it because I know you can.

----Original Message Follows----
From: mobility
To: "Mikey"

Dear Mr. Mike
Thank you for using Bell Mobility's Internet Customer Service.

My name is Michelle and I have read your message carefully. I am pleased to assist you in this matter.
I apologize that our previous response did not adequately address your needs.

I have accessed your account and can confirm that your address was updated on June 22, 2005. I have accessed your billing parameters and have discovered that both your old and new address are present on your account in this field.

I have corrected this and assure you that your future invoices will be sent to your new billing address. I apologize for any frustration or inconvenience this situation has caused.

In the future, please refrain from using profanity in your emails to us. I'm sure you do not like being spoken to in such a way and our representatives do not need or want to read it.

Thank you Mr. Mike for your patience and your understanding and for choosing Bell as your wireless provider. I hope the information provided above is clear.

I wish you a pleasant day,
Michelle S. 6003060

Original Message Follows:

Dear Michelle (6003060),
Hey. I'm sorry for my profanity. It was directed at people who aren't very good at their jobs. You, on the other hand, have taken the same information and you've been able to do more with it than our friend Steve (TSE), that makes you exempt from my banter. If you read over Steve's lazy response to me, I think you might be able to understand where I am coming from. I mean, come on... I give him my phone number and then he turns around and says it's not a phone number. (?!). Where did this guy learn to work, anyway?
So, with that being said, I just wanted to thank you. Hopefully I'll start receiving my bill in the future and I won't have to insult bell's general work ethic again.
Have a good one,
- Mikey.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Afew recent words

Good monring! it's 5:30 am over here and it's still saturday night. how does that work? I just realized today that it had been quite a while since I wrote something here and I think the fact of the matter is that there hasn't really been much to complain about. Aside from the odd CSR you run into that just happens to suck ass holes all day long, perhaps I'm just growing accustomed to this crappy planet.

And another thing, when the fuck are dogs going to learn to understand English? who can I write to about that? Thus segways to my personal belief system quite well. By writing this and this alone is all I have to do to voice my opinion and if it has the gusto, or maybe the integrity, or "worth", then just perhaps, it will reach the right person, or even, "entity."
Does that mean I devoutly believe that there are beings, or an "intelligence" that moniter all human communication "just because they can". Does that mean that "they" can extricate plans and schemes to set in motion events leading to coincedences for certain individuals or groups of people? Does this mean that there is a higher power that can "make things happen" just like "God" does?

All I'm saying is that you shouldn't rule it out as a scenario, because I wouldn't be surprised in the least if something like that was the way it is.

Compl3tely off topic for a brief conclusion: I would just like to give the kudos that is deserved of Jess, or more commonly known as, "yellowpony" (which is a nickname I despise), or even as "the slut who enjoys as such" (a much more colourful nickname). I met her in '04 at a halloween party, but she was distracted I think. Just recently in '05, somewhen around september, she showed herself to another party I happened to walk into. She's better looking in person, i'll say that at least. (I'd insert a "woah" here, but it would sound pretty lame, so, instead I'll just mention that I would say it if it was 1997).