Friday, April 29, 2005

toronto hoe.

In 3 hours, I'm starting a 2-three day voyage with lots of moving, driving, lifting, drinking and smoking. A lot of people think this is a bad move, but I'm finished with London for now. I have to experience more than just living in my grandparents basement whlie I fail out of university into depression. So I'm thankful for the circumstances that have brought me to new, ah, horizons for the future.
Beginning in London, I'm going to attempt to load up a mini-van as full as I can, drive down to Toronto to my friend's house, unload. Then I'll be coming back to london, grabbing a few kegs, filling the van up even more with my stuff, and the jetting back to T.O. This should bring me to abuot 6 or 7pm. Hopefully earlier, but yeah, fucking, right. My parents want the van back at 9... well, they maybe have to scramble for resources because it might not make it back in time.
The next day will be the biggest of all keg parties I'll have yet to help run. Saturday will be a blast no matter what. On the other side of things, the girl that's living in my new place better leave on Saturday because on Sunday, we've got to turn around and move all my stuff, plus my buddy's, into the new place (a 15 min drive or so away from the old house).
We'll see how things go. I hope to have a new number, internet and a job by the end of next week. Good luck, eh?

Sunday, April 24, 2005

It's Only Me

I've got to get it through my head. I keep on thinking that this is some kind of message board and there will be a bunch of responses.
Well, I got news for ya mikey, you're the only one that gives a shit what goes on here.
Fine then. I've got it better than most other people, anyway. LOL... they should feel priviledged whenever I update!
And what's up with putting counter-point thoughts in italics now?
Fuck, if someone's come here to read about me, they might as well have both sides.
I think that's pretty dumb. Ya can't put two sides of a coin into one blurb? Lame. Real lame.
Really? well I don't give a shit what you think.
What the hell's the point of this entry anyway?
I had to brag about my junk.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

"sorry there are not solutions..."

The following was sent to one of the highest up professeurs of Engineering at Western:
oh, well that's just great.
    now you're probably going to tell me you went over all the little stupid questions on the exam in class too. how come you don't PUT THE INFORMATION YOU'RE TESTING US ON, IN THE LAB MANUAL OR SOME OTHER FORM OF PUBLICATION!?!? How can you justfiy testing us on some random comment that may have floated on in a lecture, for example, "what is the primary reason for having an iron core in a transformer?" Firstly, this didn't have anything to do with our experimental procedure used in the lab. Secondly, it's not mentioned anywhere in the lab manual. I'll probably have better luck searching GOOGLE for half of these questions from the sample exam. More than half of them.
    Honeslty, why is there such a lack of ability to teach engineering at western? electromagnets barely uses its textbook at all... poor mouschopolous (although he means as well as he can, he just) can't convey his ideas... and now this final exam.
I'm thouroughly dissappointed in the Western Eng program as a whole. Personally, you are good at teaching it. I know.. I've had a few mini-lessons from you and they help me out immensly. Why can't that sort of teaching be employed by all your profs? You will find me missing next year and that's because I'm in Toronto at their university.
Thank you and good day,
- Mike Sutherland

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

cleanly sailors!

Hi Mike,

We appreciate your interest in Mr. Clean. Although Mr. Clean is not a real person, his image was actually modelled after a rugged sailor. For more information on Mr. Clean, feel free to visit our Corporate website at and select Mr. Clean from the product list. I've included a link below:

mr. Clean

I hope this helps!

Mr. Clean Team

Monday, April 18, 2005

Dearest Subway

The following was submitted to Subway the other day:

    First i want to say thanks for making the "contact us" link clearly visable. So many corporations don't even give a shit.
    Anyway, I'm writing about your new Angus Steak Sub. I decided to try it out today. So five bucks later (and a whopping 2 dollars for a drink!), I sat down and unwrapped my toasted angus half sub with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and hot peppers.
    This is where the story gets ugly. My first bite tasted good - the mayo and bbq sauce can make up for so many inadaquacies. After I started tasting the meat, I realized it was disgusting! It was like, your least favourite relative's meatloaf! I kept at it though... Hoping the taste would grow on me. But NO! Further towards the middle now, I realize the meat is COLD! What the hell is going on!? Cold meatloaf? What are you guys trying to push here?! Is it the latest in the environmental waste reducing movement? Good show and all, but it's like chewing a mixture of old, but fresh, shit and dried grass. Selling leftovers isn't going to benefit the environment anyway.
    I don't know where you got the Angus meat contract from, but you should lose it fast, and bring back something more tasty like the Ribwich... or chunks of steak...
    Thanks for listening to my rant and I hope you forward this to whoever you think deserves a decent sandwich review (and note, this could be anyone).
    With love,
      - Mikey.

<-- Irony of it -->

Hooray,... hooray.
I finally found something to do with my time alone in the dead hours of morning. I've been reading a lot lately. I think it has something to do with me wanting to just leave my opinion all over the place. Like it even matters. Good for rants though.

I have the 40oz to Freedom album, but it was a ripped copy from the internET. The third track, Smoke Two Joints, was replaced with an imposter. Improperly named, the exact same song as the second track was there in its stead. I'm not angry about it. What would be the point of that. But it still really sucks, man. I've been without that song for ages now.
What the hell is a stead, anyway?

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Blog #1

What the hell is a blog, anyway?
Why isn't there a little blisclaimer exblaining what a blog is?

I laughed a lot at that.

- Mikey.